Category: Digital security

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  • Category: Digital security
Beyond the buzz: Understanding AI and its role in cybersecurity
Beyond the buzz: Understanding AI and its role in cybersecurity
Beyond the buzz: Understanding AI and its role in cybersecurity
Beyond the buzz: Understanding AI and its role in cybersecurity

Beyond the buzz: Understanding AI and its role in cybersecurity

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the topic du jour, with the latest and greatest in AI technology drawing breathless news coverage. And probably few industries are set to gain as much, or possibly to be hit as hard, as cybersecurity. Contrary to popular belief, some in the field have been using the technology in some form

My health information has been stolen. Now what?

As health data continues to be a prized target for hackers, here’s how to minimize the fallout from a breach impacting your own health records Digital transformation is helping healthcare providers across the globe to become more cost-efficient, while improving standards of patient care. But digitizing healthcare records also comes with some major cyber risks.