Category: How To

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  • Category: How To
How to share sensitive files securely online
How to share sensitive files securely online
How to share sensitive files securely online
How to share sensitive files securely online

How to share sensitive files securely online

Here are a few tips for secure file transfers and what else to consider when sharing sensitive documents so that your data remains safe Our lives are increasingly lived in the digital world. And while this comes with a host of benefits, it also exposes us to the threat of data theft. Whether it’s sensitive

The murky world of password leaks – and how to check if you’ve been hit

Password leaks are increasingly common and figuring out whether the keys to your own kingdom have been exposed might be tricky – unless you know where to look Recently, I came across a report detailing “the mother of all breaches” – or to be more exact, the leak of a vast compilation of data that