SLA Agreement

SLA Agreement
SLA Agreement
SLA Agreement
SLA Agreement

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

1. Service Scope and Responsibilities

1.1 Services Provided: Bay Area IT agrees to provide the following services to the Client:

  • Network monitoring and management
  • Helpdesk and technical support
  • Cloud infrastructure management
  • Security management (firewall, antivirus, intrusion detection)
  • Backup and disaster recovery services

1.2 Client Responsibilities: The Client agrees to cooperate with Bay Area IT in fulfilling its obligations under this SLA, including but not limited to:

  • Providing necessary access to systems and facilities
  • Responding to Bay Area IT inquiries in a timely manner
  • Following Bay Area IT guidelines and recommendations for security and best practices

2. Service Levels

2.1 Service Availability: Bay Area IT guarantees a service uptime of 99.9% measured on a monthly basis, excluding scheduled maintenance and force majeure events.

2.2 Response Time:

  • Critical Issues (e.g., complete outage): Initial response within 15 minutes.
  • Major Issues (e.g., service degradation): Initial response within 1 hour.
  • Minor Issues (e.g., non-critical inquiries): Initial response within 4 hours.

2.3 Resolution Time: Bay Area IT aims to resolve issues based on their severity:

  • Critical: Within 4 hours.
  • Major: Within 8 hours.
  • Minor: Within 24 hours.

3. Performance Metrics

3.1 Network Performance: Average network uptime of at least 99.9%. 3.2 Server Performance: Server availability and response time monitored continuously.

4. Escalation Procedures

4.1 Escalation Points: Defined escalation points and procedures for unresolved issues.

5. Penalties and Remedies

5.1 Service Credits: If Bay Area IT fails to meet the agreed-upon service levels, the Client may be eligible for service credits as defined in the SLA.

6. Security and Confidentiality

6.1 Data Security: Bay Area IT agrees to maintain appropriate security measures to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of Client data.

7. Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

7.1 Backup and Recovery: Bay Area IT will maintain backup procedures and disaster recovery plans to minimize downtime and data loss.

8. Reporting

8.1 Performance Reports: Monthly performance reports will be provided to the Client detailing uptime, response times, and other relevant metrics.

9. Termination

9.1 Termination Clause: Either party may terminate this agreement with 60 days’ notice for any reason.

10. General Provisions

10.1 Governing Law: This SLA shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of California.

10.2 Amendment: This SLA may be amended or modified only in writing signed by both parties.